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Le Marteau & L'Enclume - La Saga di prete Gianni

Le Marteau & L'Enclume - La Saga di prete Gianni

Vi segnalo questa pubblicazione del blog "Le Marteau & L'Enclume" dedicata completamente alla saga di Misteri d'Oriente, 142 pagine, formato 14,73 x 0,81 x 21,08 cm.
Credo anche che ci sia all'interno una intervista che mi fecero l'anno scorso sulla mia trilogia, poi non mi hanno fatto sapere più niente. Se qualcuno è interessato posso pubblicarla qui, anche se non è niente di nuovo.

"Benvenuti nel nostro mook ("rivista" per le illustrazioni e "libro" per il formato) dedicato al ritorno della Saga di Priest John (La Fortezza di Alamuth / L'Occhio della Sfinge / Le Miniere di Re Salomone / I Misteri di Babilonia / Gli adoratori del male). In sintesi, molte analisi sui libri di gioco (tipo "libri in cui sei l'eroe") in compagnia di creatori, tra cui Doug Headline. La rivista cartacea è in bianco e nero, la webzine è a colori."
https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B09GJL9FMC/ref … amp;sr=8-3

https://marteauetenclume.blogspot.com/2 … me-en.html


Ultima modifica di: djmayhem
Ott-04-21 11:47:48

Piango perché una volta ero un fratello, ed ora non lo sono più (K.Von Erich)

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Re: Le Marteau & L'Enclume - La Saga di prete Gianni

Pubblicala pure, è sempre interessante un'intervista ad argomento librogiochistico!

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Re: Le Marteau & L'Enclume - La Saga di prete Gianni

Hanno aggiunto un po' di foto della pubblicazione:
https://marteauetenclume.blogspot.com/2 … me-en.html

Leggo ci sono pure io insieme agli altri autori (mica cazzi) e a Enrico!
Peccato che nessuno si preso il disturbo di avvisarmi (non dico di mandarmi un pdf a sgracco) della pubblicazione...



Piango perché una volta ero un fratello, ed ora non lo sono più (K.Von Erich)

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Re: Le Marteau & L'Enclume - La Saga di prete Gianni

Complimenti vivissimi Federico!
Dev'essere una gran bella soddisfazione!

(però effettivamente mandarti qualcosa o almeno avere il buon gusto di avvisarti, secondo me sarebbe stato il minimo...)

Maestro Ramas
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Re: Le Marteau & L'Enclume - La Saga di prete Gianni

se a qualcuno interessasse posto l'intervista in "straniero"

-What was your motivation to continue his adventure?
Like many fans I was disappointed not to be able to read the end of the cycle of Prester John. About fifteen years ago I had started to read the classics of esotericism as the” Morning of the Magicians”, “ Isis unveiled”, “Meetings with remarkable men”, and others who dealt with the myth of Agartha and the Hollow Earth, so I wanted to immerse myself in this fascinating adventure.
The idea of continuing the series came to me when I had already started my path to “initiation” with the readings above, so I already had some ideas and I had marked several notes that could be coming back to me useful to the story.
As I read through essays of authors such as H. P. Blavatsky, Gurdjieff, Pouwels and Bergier, Nicholas Roerich, René Guenon, Raymond Bernard I imagined our Prester John wander the ancient tibetan lamaserie, to meet the ascetics and dervishes, to penetrate in the Hollow Earth until he reached the mysterious Agartha, and from there to reach Shangri-La.   

- Make 3 gamebooks 2009 to 2015, was it a challenge that you set yourself?
For the first draft of the books I worked about two months, it was 2007. Over the years I have worked a lot with betatester of LGL to correct it, control it, fix it and then illustrate it and paginate it. This occupied all the eight years which have seen the publication of three books in pdf format. Even after the first publication we have made new corrections and changes to the text thanks to the reports of our readers.
For the new edition revised and enlarged, I explored different aspects and introduced new stages of the journey of the Prester John, being able to draw from ten years of reading mystery seasoned by the study of eastern martial arts (which I dedicated seven years, and the wuxiapian movies (the hood and the sword of Hong Kong ) of the years ’70 by director Chang Cheh.

-What are differences between your first “Nel Paese dei Dragoni “  and the new one ? How much additional paragraphs (sections)?

The difference in the number of paragraphs of the three volumes is the following:

N°    Title                                                                      Original  Deluxe
6    Nel paese dei dragoni (In the land of the Dragons) 240            520
7    Il Deserto della morte (The Desert of Death)      230             385
8    Shangri-La !                                                         270         350
        + La swastica sul Tibet (The Swastika above Tibet)                + 85 (bonus adventure)

At the beginning I thought to a single concluding volume of about 600 paragraphs, but once finished, discussing it on Librogame’s Land (LGL)’s forum, several told me I should divide it into three parts, as it was in the original plan of the series, and so I did.
This, however, left me in a sense of “unfinished” because, unlike the five original volumes, the adventures were rather short. For this reason, at the distance of ten years I have written a revised and expanded edition that we have called “deluxe”.

-Are you in contact with Doug Headline?
Not directly. I'm working on the revision of the new italian edition for the MS Editioni but I have not had contact with Doug Headline for the moment, I hope to meet him in the event "Modena Play 2020", which will be held at the beginning of April, I know that he has been invited.
I know that Headline gave to MS Editioni the availability to write the concluding trilogy, if this will happen I will be happy to collaborate with him,  as I am already doing with MS.

Thanks for the interview

Piango perché una volta ero un fratello, ed ora non lo sono più (K.Von Erich)

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